The Lights of Christmas – A Program of Warm Beach Camp
“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.” (Isaiah 9:2, NIV)
At Warm Beach Camp and Conference Center, The Lights of Christmas is more than just an event—it’s a season of transformation. Every year, our entire staff pauses normal operations to focus on preparing for and hosting this magical event. Whether it’s during all-staff workdays for setup and takedown or working together to serve guests during the event, it’s inspiring to see the whole team united in sharing the Gospel with neighbors near and far.
One of this year’s most moving additions has been the creation of two prayer rooms, one in Joyland and the other at Santa’s Village. These have truly become holy spaces where individuals and families pause in the midst of the busy Christmas season to offer their prayers to God. Walking into these rooms, I’ve been deeply moved to see walls covered with written prayer requests—for reconciliation, healing, and for loved ones to come to know Christ. These moments of vulnerability and hope reflect the profound impact of the season, as guests are reminded of the light of Christ, shining in even the darkest moments of their lives.
Another personal highlight has been participating in the staff break each evening before the event opens. This time of gathering allows staff and volunteers to share updates, reflect on stories from previous nights, and prepare for the evening through devotion and prayer. One particularly memorable evening, we prayed over the requests left in the prayer rooms. It was such a blessing for us to be able to lift up the burdens and joys of our guests to God!
As we approach the end of The Lights of Christmas season, I feel a bittersweet anticipation. While I’ll miss the glow of the lights and the joy of the event, I’m excited to see how the same love and care poured into this season will now shift to serve our guest groups and programs as we continue to keep clear the path to the cross for our guests, staff, and volunteers in the new year. Isaiah 9:2 reminds us that the light of Christ shines in the deepest darkness, and our mission remains to keep that light clear for all—whether through a dazzling Christmas display or the quiet, faithful work of everyday ministry.
-Matt Pfiffner, General Manager, Warm Beach Camp & Conference Center